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0524 23:21
Hello from Bologna, on 24th May 2024

Genoa - Bologna finished 2-0. The fans of Bologna has a fine and precious taste, right, we needs heart and breavery until the last game, a rare sport project and trophies: the rest counts zero. Indeed, we pretend to not be less *researched* and *respected* enough like the Juventus and Inter fans.
Bologna this night: https://youtu.be/HMZ1aV0kynU
Hello from Bologna, on 21th May 2024

Bologna - Juventus finished 3-3. Thiago chose Lukumi and Calafiori in the middle of the defence, Urbanski in the middlefield, Ndoye and Odgaard to complete the attack with Castro. Yes, just happened we celebrated Bologna in the best way possible: the fans, the songs, the colors of BFC in Champions. No, it didn't happen to win against a football team more important of ours. Then, we can spend the usual fantastic words for Calafiori, the nice game of Castro, the smile of Thiago, etc. but who cares?

BFC celebrations for the streets of the city: Wenesday evening
Piazza Maggiore this night: https://youtu.be/TBsn3fRXTbg
Ops, we are in Champions League !
Champions: Juventus - Salernitana 1-1, Atalanta - Roma 2-1
Hello from Bologna, on 11th May 2024

​Bologna won over Napoli for 2-0. Thiago chose Ravaglia as goalkeaper, Lukumi and Calafiori in the middle of the defence, Urbanski in the middlefield, Ndoye and Odgaard to complete the attack. Coup de teatre of Pulcinella, with Osimen concentrated to gain penalties all the first half to challange Ravaglia. Indeed, Bologna was smart to start fast and surprise Napoli with two fast shots. The rest of the game was just good defence and middlefield interdiction, with few goal occasions from both the sides. Best performance of the season for Ravaglia and great game of all the squad. Nice passing one night at the 3rd place..

Saelemaekers MVP of April.
Lewis Ferguson awarded with Premio Bulgarelli.
Champions: Roma vs Juventus 1-1
I believe if Thiago is able to drive the team to pass Juventus, Bologna fans will pop up with a statue in his name.
Hello from Bologna, on 3rd May 2024

Torino vs Bologna finished 0-0. Thiago chose Lucumi to replace Beukema, Fabbian in front of the middlefield. The game is fast and nice to watch, played well by both the teams for almost 60min. Indeed, few score attempts from both the sides with Bologna signing the record of wrong crosses and launches till the entrance of Orsolini. "Elengant" presence of Calafiori, good one of Aebischer and prefect performance of Skorupski (often unmentioned) saving our door two-three times. Some magic of Zirkzee and a salut to Masina to close the game.

Math confirms Bologna will play an european competition in the 2024-25 season.
Hello from Bologna, on 28th April 2024

Bologna vs Udinese finished 1-1. Thiago chose Beukema, Lucumi in the middle of the defence, Kristiansen as left winger. Udinese confirming the first game of the season by the hand of Cannavaro is able to close every space to Bologna in the first half. Then some defensive errors and Saelemaekers good performance do the rest. Honestly, the fan here mind the lost victory with Udinese able to take points from Bologna two times in a row.

Adama Soumaoro back on the field.
Hello from Bologna, on 23th April 2024

Bologna won over Roma 1-3. Thiago chose Beukema, Lucumi in the middle of the defence, Calafiori as left winger, El Azzouzi to replace Ferguson, Ndoye and Saelemaekers to accompany Zirkzee. One of the best games of Bologna in this season, against one the main candidates to access the Champions in the nice Olimplico.. it ended with an historical result for us. Great performance of all the squad with special mention for El Azzouzi super goal, Calafiori and Froiler at one of their best game. Unlucky Castro with his beauty unvalidated and nice to watch to Posch as goalkeeper.

Ferguson out six months.
Hello from Bologna, on 13th April 2024

Bologna vs Monza finished 0-0. Thiago chose Beukema, Lucumi in the middle of the defence, Kristiansen as left-winger; attacking with Urbanski, Zirkzee and Orsolini. Intense game sometimes too physical. It is difficult not talking about an 'Orsolini show' missing only the goal. Good performance for Lucumi, Kristiansen and Froiler approciated forwarder too. Zirkzee and Ndoye a little exasperated by the Monza behavior. I believe the first unfinished game of the season for Ferguson that could be the goal maker at the fotofinish.

Thiago Motta best coach of March.

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